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Public Relations Forum - news bot
Wac USIMP FA 06/07/2009 02:57:47 GT:0
*knocks on door*

can i use your news bot? =P

Soviet {WAR}{DL}{Elite} 06/07/2009 04:15:02 GT:0
send in an application

[23:37] iMe> I may only have a pile of rubble left, but it is a deadly pile of rubble!

IP's main bitch
Soviet Sig
BLOODANGEL86 06/08/2009 02:57:02 GT:0
how much money you got? :)

Smoothie the anti-slurpie
"One day I'm gona get a dog and name the dog It then I'm gonna beat him up so I can go to group conciling and say 'I like to beat It'."

Imaginary Numbers. You know us, You fear us.

There are three sides to any argument: your side, their side, and the truth.

Numerophobia (#932) Hits: 1,446 Kills: 3 Defends: 335
Want To KILL 06/08/2009 10:14:49 GT:0
ya either works.
Well, you can pay by other means than money too :)

(�`�.��.���`�.��.-> -=WTK=- The Ruler...(�)
Do something creative, KILL SoMeOnE!!! "Gun, all gun, like finger on hand" -Jagged Alliance (Ivan)
All repeat: **IN WTK WE TRUST**
-WTK - God of Imaginary Numbers
KeSSelaTheDarkAngel {aDL} 06/08/2009 10:41:35 GT:0

Photobucket e-mail: Yahoo IM: kessela_the_dark_angel
Want To KILL 06/09/2009 16:15:18 GT:0

(�`�.��.���`�.��.-> -=WTK=- The Ruler...(�)
Do something creative, KILL SoMeOnE!!! "Gun, all gun, like finger on hand" -Jagged Alliance (Ivan)
All repeat: **IN WTK WE TRUST**
-WTK - God of Imaginary Numbers
KeSSelaTheDarkAngel {aDL} 06/09/2009 20:29:04 GT:0
Ooooo yeah...again!!

Photobucket e-mail: Yahoo IM: kessela_the_dark_angel
Crazyguy [Grumpy old fart] 06/10/2009 04:21:07 GT:0
only if you give us 100 veteran members and they have to stay for 1 year

W O O F !!!
Iron Priest {Elite} 06/13/2009 05:54:52 GT:0
we dont have a newsbot? our site consists of this public forum only

------I am a SPAMORON------
bujke {aWAR} {Elite} 06/13/2009 11:03:45 GT:0
and adult swim.

Want To KILL 06/13/2009 19:00:19 GT:0
Shh, if he find out about our nasty porn forum he will join up...

(�`�.��.���`�.��.-> -=WTK=- The Ruler...(�)
Do something creative, KILL SoMeOnE!!! "Gun, all gun, like finger on hand" -Jagged Alliance (Ivan)
All repeat: **IN WTK WE TRUST**
-WTK - God of Imaginary Numbers

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